Until this point I have never given a second thought to undressing in front of Lucas, he often accompanies me to the bathroom, and we sometimes still take a bath together. The bath time scenario started very early on when Lucas was not a fan of bathing, and at the suggestion of a friend of mine I took him in the bath tub with me and presto kid started liking his bath time routine. Obviously during the day its hard to sneak to the bathroom alone, and I'm not a fan of sticking him in his crib and having him fuss so I can relieve myself, so I let him roam around and sometimes he sticks right by my side (yeah its fun!).
Lately, with Lucas' increased curiosity, and need to look and touch everything, I have been wondering if I should start to curb the nudity in front of him. Obviously a lot of moms are still breastfeeding at his point in their children's lives, and deep down I am fully aware that he will not remember any of this in the future; but this is a whole new frontier for me, and I'm not really sure how to approach it, or when to say close the door. Growing up with only sisters, this was really a non issue for me, and with my youngest sister (who was my test baby lol) I used to wash with her all the time, and change in front of her no problem. I have never had to deal with this before.
I know that this may sound a little premature, as I mentioned he is still too young to remember anything, and dressing in front of him is not leaving any mental scars, or any images that may plague his adolescent mind will long be forgotten. I guess, if I'm being truthful I have to answer the question does it bother me, and the answer is no. I have no problem skirting the nudity issue at least for another year, and then I guess if he starts saying something or asking questions that will be my cue to finally close the door.

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