How far along - 17 weeks
Baby is the size of - a ginger root
Sleep - Still getting up about 2 to 3 times a night to pee, the good news is that I am now falling back asleep with much more ease. Since we were pretty busy all week I took advantage and had a few naps and I feel like that has been helping keep my energy up.
Gender - We will be finding out April 17th, still feeling like its a girl, but would be just as happy with a boy again.
Movement - Been feeling the baby more when I go to bed and try to sleep on my left, the baby is not a fan of that position. Also after some sweet treats the other night I had a pretty distinctive kick, guess he/she was on quite the sugar high since I haven't really been indulging in sweets.
Food Cravings/Aversions - Still loving anything with bread, so ham sandwiches with pickled eggplant is my go to breakfast. Also anything with vinegar, loving large salads packed with salt and balsamic.
Symptoms - The morning sickness went away this week, so that's a huge relief. Still feeling a bit sick in the morning until I eat, but that was pretty standard throughout my whole pregnancy with Lucas as well. Been battling awful skin breakouts on my face, that is making me feel like a teenager hitting puberty again. I've tried creams, and soaps and nothing is clearing it up. Also a lot of dry skin, to the point that my legs and hands are always itchy, even after moisturizing, hopefully that is just a by product of this interminable winter we have been enduring.
Best moment this week - fun activities with Lucas all week! Yesterday I had my second IPS testing, and ultrasound so I got to see my sweet little babe again, and every time I get to see that little heart beating just makes my day. I have battled a lot of miscarriage anxiety this pregnancy so I need all the reassurance I can get. Also a great weekend with my little sister at the Science Center and celebrating our sweet niece's 3rd birthday!
What I miss - The bump is getting a little out of control this time around, and its getting a little difficult to get up quickly from a sitting position on the floor when I'm doing activities with Lucas. Being pregnant with a toddler is no joke people.
I have a fun weekend recap set for either later today or tomorrow!

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