On this day four years ago we pledged to love each other through sickness and health, stand by each other through good and bad times, and to never waiver in our love for one another; even when the going gets tough sometimes. I can honestly say that four years later, living and building a home together, making our own family together with the arrival of our son, and the soon to be arrival of our second bundle of joy, I love my husband more today. He has held my hand through some really rough moments, shown me that there is no storm he would not weather by my side, and made me laugh more times than I can remember. He is a worthy opponent in the best of arguments, but we share the same philosophy of never going to bed angry and after cooling down talking through our disagreements. He makes me a better person, and now I could never imagine a life without him in it; he gave me the greatest gift in our children, and he is the best partner in all things.
Thank you dear husband for being my best friend, my partner in crime, for being an amazing father, and for always standing by my side. Life is better with you, and I am truly blessed to be sharing it with you.

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