Things started really great last Thursday when at my anatomy scan we found out we are having another boy. I had been feeling girl throughout this pregnancy because the symptoms have been so different this time around, but then on the morning of my appointment I had this overwhelming feeling that the news would be the other way around. So when the technician showed me the clear indication that indeed I was expecting another energetic little man I was just so happy and excited to share the news with the hubby and Lucas. Everything looked healthy at the ultrasound and now I am in the throes of planning a dinosaur themed nursery for my new little one, and debating names with the hubby.
On Thursday Lucas started getting really sick, and by Saturday he was just not his usual energetic and playful self. So Easter turned out to be kind of a bust for us this year, we had headed to my parents earlier in the day and he passed out for a nap at 11:30 am which is so unusual for him, after spending the day miserable, constantly cleaning his runny nose, and nothing making him happy we decided to leave the festivities early and take the little guy home. Sunday we skipped dinner at my in laws to keep Lucas indoors and just alternating between advil and tylenol, along with some homeopathic remedies I have at home to try and bring down his fever. We ended up doing Chinese take out, and although the circumstances were kind of sad, it was nice to just spend the day relaxing with my boys. I snapped this adorable pic of him in the only time he was happy watching my sister's birds.
Unfortunately I got sick at the beginning of the week too so Lucas and I have been spending our days hibernating at home not wanting to risk getting worse especially with the temperamental weather we have been having. Although its been fairly sunny its been pretty windy and cool in the mornings when we would usually go for our walks. Lucas' fever finally broke Monday, but it makes me so sad to see him so under the weather and so lethargic, not even wanting to play with his trucks. I snapped this pic of him on Tuesday, so cute but oh so sad eyes. I just needed to document for his father that he was actually eating fishies, since he's been sick eating has not been high on his list, giving this mommy so much anxiety.
Yesterday was finally a good day, and I started to see a big change in Lucas and myself. I feel like we are at the tail end of this awful cold, and both mine and his appetite seem to be back. My craving for vinegar took a back seat this week, and yesterday I gorged on salad with my fave new condiment sweet pickled red onions. I had these at my mother in laws a few weeks ago, and the hubby made three jars last week. They are divine and the perfect addition to salads and sandwiches. Also my little man was actually playful yesterday, and I just love these photos of him.
Yesterday was my wedding anniversary, and this year besides the fact that we have been a house full of sickies, we had decided to keep it really low key. We made a lovely steak dinner for the three of us, and it was soooo good, and bonus was seeing Lucas enjoy his food again. After putting Lucas to bed we just enjoyed a home date night with tv and dessert just the two of us, and appreciating everything we have in our lives, and making plans for the future. I love this quote I found online, it perfectly describes the humour the hubby and I have in our marriage. No one makes annoying me as cute as that hubby of mine!
Have a great weekend everyone!

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