How far along - 20 weeks
Baby is the size of - a banana
Sleep - Lucas and I were pretty sick so I was sleeping a lot, I would wake up usually at 4:30 with a lugged nose which made sleeping in the early morning a little difficult, but I was rocking 3 hour naps with Lucas in the afternoon, and I don't feel guilty about it one bit. Caring for a sick child, while being sick and pregnant is not fun at all, and extremely exhausting.
Gender - BOY! BOY! BOY! I can't even describe how giddy and happy I am to be adding another boy to the family. I cannot wait to see Lucas with his future brother and all the shenanigans that the future holds for the hubby and I. Now we are debating names, We fell in love with the name Lucas instantly together, but this time around the hubby and I are at an impasse cause we both love different names.
Movement - After being sick all week I'm guessing the baby was a little lethargic just like his mommy cause there wasn't that much movement, then this past weekend I felt him tons! Some big kicks too!
Food Cravings/Aversions - Still salads with lots of vinegar. Kind of over the ham sandwich phase, but still loving bread. Also some meats like chicken are making me a little queasy, except for a sudden craving for chicken wings on Sunday, where I gorged on the hubby's spicy BBQ wings and loved every minute of it.
Symptoms - Still battling awful skin breakouts on my face, and lots of dry skin particularly on my hands and legs, I've been moisturizing like a mad woman but to no avail unfortunately. Migraines a few times a week, this is a new symptom for me, and they are so awful. Still battling a little morning sickness sometimes.
Best moment this week - I would have to say finally seeing Lucas feel better on Thursday, and seeing him play at his nonni's house and back to his usual playful self. It is so sad to see your child sick and not being able to do anything for them but smother them with extra cuddles.
What I miss - Absolutely nothing this week!
We are hoping to enjoy some of the nice weather this week after being in hibernation all last week!

Hi Sylvie! My name is Heather and I wanted to know if you could answer my question about your blog! My email is Lifesabanquet1(at)gmail(dot)com :-)