
18 Weeks - Baby #2

Pardon the awful picture, its just been one of those days

How far along - 18 weeks

Baby is the size of - a bell pepper

Sleep - was pretty bad this week.  I had a hard time getting comfortable, which made falling asleep a task, only then to wake up 45 minutes later to pee.  This made for some pretty long days.

Gender - Finding out this week!! I'm so excited.

Movement - Steady small kicks a few times a day, mostly at night, or after eating something.  I'm looking forward to those big kicks!

Food Cravings/Aversions - Still salads with lots of vinegar, plus pickles, olives, and pickled peppers.  Also loving passion tea lemonades from Starbucks!  I have been pretty averse to coffee this pregnancy, but this week I started enjoying the occasional iced coffee, and had my first hot coffee Sunday in a while, and it didn't make me gag so that's a plus.

Symptoms - Still battling awful skin breakouts on my face, and lots of dry skin particularly on my hands and legs, I've been moisturizing like a mad woman but to no avail unfortunately.  Had the occasional headache this week, but I really think that's a by product of the bad sleep.

Best moment this week - I had a doctor's appointment Saturday to review the results of all our genetic testing, and spinal/neural tests, and everything came back perfect.  It was such a great feeling to hear my doctor say to me that everything looked fantastic.  I had been stressing a little, since I'm on thyroid medication which is supposed to help prevent any neural complications, so to know that everything has developed as it should was just a huge weight lifted.

What I miss - We went out for sushi and Asian food the other night with friends, and I realized how much I miss raw sushi, although the California rolls did hit the spot I was really longing for some salmon and butter fish.


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