I have been meaning to get back to taking Lucas swimming on a regular basis and we finally went this week and it was so much fun. Lucas loves water, if I would let him he would stay in the tub for an hour! He has gotten really good at kicking his legs in the pool if I help him float around, and he's quite fearless! He was walking around the steps and just jumped into the pool and unfortunately I wasn't too quick to grab him so down the water he went, and not tear out of him. I got him up and he was just laughing. I couldn't get any pictures of us in the actual pool since our community center doesn't allow cameras in the public pool area but I grabbed this one while we were getting ready, he crouched down and was talking to another kid through the slit of the changing room.
I mentioned yesterday in his 18 month post of how Lucas is showing more and more everyday his personality, and I snapped these pictures of him at lunch the other day, and it perfectly describes what I mean. He talks with his hands like his mother, and looks incredibly like his father. He gave me that little frown when I insisted he finish his lunch, yup I'm dreading the teenage years when I'm expecting grunts as answers.
We got messy this week with some painting crafts to put together something special for his grandparents for Easter. Any chance that this kid can get his hands dirty he is game! I mean that cuteness is well worth the clean up if I say so myself, and naked painting is always the way to go.
Lucas and I woke up from a three hour nap yesterday with the munchies, and I realized that Lucas has never tried popcorn. He was so enthralled with the popping sounds while it was in the microwave, and although he looked at it quite suspiciously at first, once I took one, he was all over it! Popcorn for the win, and I see more popcorn parties in our future.
This Sunday is my little sister's birthday! I still can't believe she is turning 10! Double Digits! I remember when that was such a milestone birthday. I have loved every minute of watching her blossom into a preteen and see her personality come into its own. We have a pretty special relationship and she will be forever my first baby! For now a throwback picture of her when she was roughly around Lucas' age.
Hope everyone enjoys their weekend, we are still battling some frigid weather over here so I'm hoping for a change soon.

Those personality pics of Lucas are too adorable, and I'm sure his grandparents will love his special Easter craft! Hope you're having a fabulous weekend!