I became all to aware the other day that I tend to frequently say Shit for a slew of situations. I drop something on the floor. Oh shit. I bang into something (which is often cause I'm a total klutz). Shit shit. I remember something I had forgotten to do. Big shit. You get the picture.
Now let me preface this all by saying that I work on a daily basis to implement new words into Lucas' vocabulary, and repetition is a standard tool for toddlers learning new words. We read a lot. I point out animals, fruit, letters, and am constantlys reiterating them in hopes that they are sticking and he will repeat them back to me. Often I realize that he has learned to identify them and will point them out correctly but refuses to voice the words coherently.
So I was changing Lucas' diaper the other day after nap, he was in a good mood, and very helpful which is so unlike him when it comes to diaper time. I swear if he could he would just run around naked all the time. I reached for his cream and Lucas lifted his legs at the same time and knocked it on the floor. Oh shit. I didn't even register it coming out of my mouth until my little stinker looks right at me with this huge grin, and says it "oh shit mama", and he starts laughing hysterically, like we are sharing some profound inside joke.
Great mother of the year award right here. How is it you won't repeat apple, bear, and water that I say to you probably a hundred times a day, but this, this you say back to me with perfect diction I may add. Thankfully it has not been a repeat performance, but Lord knows I have been trying even harder to make sure I don't say it in front of him in case he decides to parade in front of his grandparents chanting oh shit. Well got to go, just remembered I forgot to take dinner's meat out of the freezer for dinner. Oh shit!

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