Having an active toddler running around you all day, always requiring some sort of attention is exhausting. Its a blessing, but Lord it wipes away any residual energy you have while you're going through those early pregnancy days. By the time Lucas was ready for his nap, I was ready to pass out in bed right along with him, and I'm not going to lie, that is exactly what I did! Lucas was going through some teething pains during this time as well so naps were always hit and miss, and often he would rest better alongside me, so I took what little sleep I could get, and prayed for just a little more energy.
I was fortunate this time around by escaping any morning sickness which was such a blessing in disguise. While pregnant with Lucas I had really all day sickness. I would be hungry and feel nauseous, I would eat and feel nauseous again. There was very little I could eat that wouldn't eventually sit the wrong way with me, maybe with the exception of the typical saltines. There were so many things I was averse to, and I spent those first few months eating whatever sounded the least offensive that night, and sometimes that meant cheese and crackers for dinner. This time, while there were certain foods that sounded better than others, I didn't really have nausea and it was glorious! Unfortunately I have experienced some nausea now starting my second trimester, but its really only in the morning until I eat some breakfast.
I remember also during my first pregnancy that those first three months were some of the longest months of my life. I kept counting down the days until 12 weeks when miscarriage would fade into a less likelihood, and I would get to have another ultrasound and see my little babe. The days were interminable, and it felt like I would be pregnant forever at the rate that the days seemed to be passing. This time I seriously have no idea where the time went! My days are pretty busy, and I try to plan at least 2 or 3 outings a week with Lucas, and I tried my best to keep things as normal for his sake if anything, and would just brave through any tiredness I may be having. So clearly when you have other concerns ruling your life obsessing over every detail is just not likely. The constant go go lifestyle of raising a toddler helped with my worry wart tendencies. I have no clue why but I feared miscarriage and something going wrong this time around a lot more, and being too busy watching Lucas grow and tending to his needs really helped keep those fears as much at bay as they could.
I'm still a little in disbelief some days that another baby is on the way, and I can't wait for those first movements when I feel like everything will just seem more real.

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