Despite the growing pains, this is one of my favourite stages thus far. He is such a little person, with likes and dislikes, and is learning to express them as well. He is funny, some of my fave parts of the day is when he understands something that is meant to be funny and he laughs hysterically accordingly, or when he does something himself to instigate laughter from his father and I. The smile he rewards us with afterwards, well its enough to forget those moments when he's yelling at the top of his lungs cause he can't reach something or isn't getting his way. His belly laughs are really music to my ears, and I will never tire of tickling his feet or ribs and watch him roll around in innocent abandon.
He is quite the talker lately! He has gotten so good at learning to repeat words after us, and is slowly integrating them himself into his daily language. B and D words are far easier for him to grasp, but I have seen in just the last week S and C sounds are starting to make its way into his vocabulary. Even when he isn't coherent he's always talking, and he's making more toddler sounds. Sometimes I catch him playing with his trucks or toys and having a conversation with himself, and its the most adorable thing ever! Some common things he says is ba when he wants milk, he calls his daddy bubba which is the hubby's nick name for Lucas (this always makes me laugh when he does it), no more and shakes his head when he's done eating something or is tired of a particular activity, and he exclaims WOW to anything that is of interest to him.
He really loves crafts! I've always encouraged creative play with Lucas, and the clean up is often not fun but he has so much fun getting messy, and painting himself as much as the paper. I mentioned the activity sheets that I started doing with him on a daily basis, and I love that they encourage learning along with play, and colouring. I believe that is why Lucas actually enjoys them as much as he does, plus the whole point is to make it fun for him right now, and not make him feel like he's trying to meet some kind of expectation. I try to do at least one or two crafts with him a week, even if its just stickers which he loves!
Lucas has been a grazer lately in the eating department, eating several little meals during the day, and then finally a good dinner. It doesn't make me too happy, but as long as he's getting his take of fruit and veggies in him I'm pretty happy. He loves pasta, rice with veggies, meat, cheese, and any type of fruit really. He's a little pickier when it comes to veggies but fruit he loves! We weaned him off just this week from one of his bottles, and it was a lot easier then I thought it was going to be, I'm lucky that he really likes milk and drinks it from a sippy cup no problem.
Sleep is still as usual, with wake ups at about 6am. He's still having teething issues with the pesky two year molars giving him a lot of pains some days, but taking their time to make an appearance. It usually affects his naps more than anything, so some days its only an hour, and then some days he rocks a three hour nap, those days I'm one grateful pregnant mommy.
Overall he's such an amazing little man, and I can't wait to see what the next six months bring, and how he will take to being a big brother at the end of those six months.

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