I have spoken before of my worries and constant anxiety over Lucas' language skills and overall development. Earlier this week I had a huge mommy meltdown over it, I was overtaken with worry, and felt like I wasn't doing enough for Lucas, or that he was presenting serious delays in this department and knowing that boys develop later in this department was just not putting my fears to rest.. I turned to my mother in law who is the only one I know and trust who has raised a boy herself. I'm so grateful for all her kind words about my mothering, and for putting what was really a hormonal outburst to rest. I realized that I just need to enjoy watching Lucas grow, and realize that he understands so much more than he is able to communicate to me. I was rewarded the next day though when we were getting ready for an outing to the park and as I grabbed Lucas' coat he turned to me and said "oh that's mine". I really should learn to not have outbursts while pregnant and my hormones are at an ultimate high.
In my over zealousness at wanting to do as much as I can for Lucas' development I bought on Amazon at the encouragement of a fellow mommy blogger the Preschool Company Prep DVDs. They teach letters, numbers, colours, shapes and words in a way that appeals to the developing mind. We started with the letters DVD. Each letter is repeated often, and they become figures of words that start with that particular letter (example, the letter D becomes a dancer). I had previewed the DVDs on youtube to see how interested he was in them before I made the investment, and he was mesmerized. He even tried to repeat some of the words when we previewed the sight words' DVD. We have been pretty busy this week and we have probably only viewed it twice, but so far we are huge fans.
I'm not one to complain about Lucas having a bad night of sleep since for the most part we have been really lucky in this department. Since we slept trained Lucas at 5 months old, he has always slept through the night, even when he's been teething or sick. One night this week he got tangled in his sheets in the middle of the night and it disrupted his sleep big time. He was up from 2:30 until 5! He finally fell asleep in bed with me in a position that didn't really allow me to fall asleep with him. Then the little bugger has the nerve to wake up and hour and half later and look at me as if nothing had happened. He was all chatty and well pleased with himself. Unfortunately nap time has been a bit of an issue lately too. He fussed the other day for an hour in his crib so I was convinced that it meant no nap was going to happen, only for him to fall asleep in my arms five minutes later. He knows just how to get his way! Although I have been pretty tired this week as a result, I will cherish every moment he wants to sleep snuggled against me.
Note to self: don't go out in public when your toddler wakes up at 5am! Thursday I had errands to run and I was anxious to get out for a bit since Lucas had woken up at the crack of dawn. Why oh why did I think that was a good idea. First I ran into Chapters to pick up an order, well Lucas was none too happy when he realized we were leaving, especially since he loves that place just as much as I do, so he threw himself on the floor,and I had to figure out how to carry my screaming toddler, pick up the box that had fallen out of my hands, and make it to the car in one piece all while 6 months pregnant. Yeah it wasn't pretty. I still ended up going to Costco (Yup I was that foolish). Lucas ten minutes into the shopping figured out how to climb out of the cart and almost threw himself onto the floor. So I bribed him with a snack and put hims standing inside the cart (yup mother of the year award). It didn't last that long, and I was literally almost to the check out when Lucas decided to show his displeasure for how long I was taking by grabbing a package of cherry tomatoes and flinging them across the store floor. We made it home in one piece (barely) and then as I was bringing in the groceries he kept closing the door on me. I really wanted a glass of wine after that excursion but I settled for a sugary coffee, and let him blow off some steam in the backyard. I love this kid to bits, but some days he really knows how to test my patience.
After all the ups and downs this week, I'm glad I made mommy plans with my sister tonight for some much deserved me time. I told the hubby I wanted nothing this year for mother's day, just some time for myself. So tonight my sister and I are going out to dinner and catching the new movie "Mom's Night Out", what could be more appropriate. I'm sure we will spend more that 50% of the time talking about our kids, but it will be nice to have a meal with her without little hands grabbing at our arms requesting something from us. Plus both my sister and I have been so busy and sick at different times this month that it will be nice to just get together and catch up.
Happy Mother's Day to all you mamas!

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