Baby is the size of - a carrot
Sleep - I've been sleeping ok at night, waking a few more times to pee now but thankfully I'm falling back asleep with ease. Starting to have some joint pains at the hips and this sometimes makes getting comfortable at night a little difficult.
Gender - BOY! We decided this week on a name, and I'm super happy about it. We actually have already caught ourselves referring to him now by name and it just makes visualizing him joining our family so much more real. For now we have decided to keep the name to ourselves.
Movement - Pretty steady during the day, but I admit that I'm always running around doing things around the house, or chasing Lucas that I often don't really register movement unless I'm taking a minute to relax. I'm guessing this is most likely the reason that I feel that the baby moves more in the evening when I'm just relaxing on the couch. We had some pretty intense kicks this weekend, and the hubby got to feel it for the first time. Its a little difficult since most of the kicks are felt lower above my bladder since he's sitting low like his brother did.
Food Cravings/Aversions - No real cravings, just lots and lots of water, I'm always thirsty it seems. Biggest aversion is bacon, and any pork meat that may be on the fattier side, I had the same aversion my whole pregnancy with Lucas. Also I find that something that might sound good in the morning is no longer appealing by the time dinner arrives.
Symptoms - A little bit of nausea in the morning, not to the point of being sick, just feeling a little unsettled. Some major joint and ligament pain around the hips and legs, which is presenting itself a lot earlier this time. I'm walking a lot more this time than I did while pregnant with Lucas, since then I was working at a desk, and now my coworker is an energetic toddler. A migraine maybe once or twice a week, and the worse is that it springs on me swiftly and intensely, and I still haven't found anything that works to keeps them at bay, or at least ease some of the discomfort.
Best moment this week - By far the fact that Gianni got to feel the baby, but also just enjoying some much needed fresh air and playing outside for a change.
What I miss - Some fun fruity summer inspired drinks, this is so unusual for me since I'm not really that much of a drinker to begin with, but lately a little drink in the evening is missed.
No picture this week, have been too busy to look presentable in photos lol

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