Boys and their trucks! Lucas is a very typical boy in that he is obsessed with anything that has wheels. I still can't believe that with another boy on the way my life and house will forever surround around cars and trucks. This past weekend my in laws got this little four wheeler for Lucas for the summer, and to say he was excited to see it is putting it lightly. He doesn't even wheel himself that much in it, he just likes to get in and out of it. Love this pic of him with his new wheels.
Lucas' new favourite hang out is on my belly lately. He is just so sweet as he lays between my legs and rests his head against his brother. Its really endearing actually when he's excited about something and talking up a storm his little brother is already responding to his voice, cause its at moments like those that I feel the baby move the most. Cannot wait for him to get here so the brotherly bonding can begin in earnest.
I have been really enjoying my morning coffee this week. The brew of choice is Paradiso for Tassimo, I refuse to drink decaf so I limit myself to one regular coffee a day, sometimes a tea in the evening. I love that Lucas is usually great at entertaining himself after his morning bottle, and I enjoy sitting on the couch or the floor with him, and sipping on some much missed caffeine. To add to the pleasure of enjoying coffee, and the morning shenanigans is this adorable insulated mug I gifted myself for Mother's Day!
I had the luxury this week of waking up at 7am on Wednesday, when Lucas decided to "sleep in" for a change, so I took advantage of his good mood and the rainy weather and we headed to the mall for the morning. We always stop by bass pro shops to check out the fishes, and he was just so happy to see them that day, it helped that it wasn't busy there for a change. We enjoyed doing some summer shopping, and then made a stop at Ikea for some lunch and play time. After Tuesday had been a write off of a day with Lucas being a super crank pants, it was nice to have a good day right after and restore my faith in my mothering skills. :)
We capped off the great week with a family date night last night. After a three hour nap we went out to dinner, and then some chapters fun where Lucas is pretty much obsessed with the train table there. On the way home Lucas enjoyed his first cake pop and devoured it! I don't think I have ever seen Lucas so quiet in the car before!
Hope everyone enjoys the weekend, for my fellow Canadians a much deserved long weekend. I'm pretty excited to take Lucas to his first fireworks this weekend!

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