How far along - 23 weeks
Baby is the size of - a mango
Sleep - its was just ok this week. Every night about an hour after I fall asleep until rough 3am I am up almost every hour and a half to pee, along with some hip pain it makes falling back asleep a little difficult.
Gender - Sweet little boy again!
Movement - Little man has been very active this week, and more and more of his kicks can be felt from the outside now, which I love. I actually had Lucas feel the baby this week, he just kind of looked at me with this vague look like he had no clue what the big deal was. I do love though that the baby seems to respond to his Lucas' voice a lot, and tends to give me his most prominent kicks when Lucas is talking.
Food Cravings/Aversions - Water, water, and more water. Also loving on minute maid frozen juices, which is really unlike me, but I like this alternative to juice so I can add extra water and cut back on the super sweet taste, and overall sugar. I had gestational diabetes with Lucas, and I am trying to be extra mindful of foods and drinks that could make it worse, since it is most likely that I will have diabetes again. Still can't stand beef this week, so I stocked up on some extra chicken and pork meat to have at home, instead of red meat.
Symptoms - Same ligament and back pain as last week, but with some severe muscle pain on my right side. I have a feeling I picked up Lucas in a wrong way and have tweaked my back in some way. Its not a constant pain thank God, but when it comes its severely uncomfortable. I have a prenatal massage this weekend that I'm looking forward to big time, and I'm hoping it will help ease some of this pain. HEARTBURN!! Yup it has finally reared its ugly head in this pregnancy. I suffered from some really bad heartburn and acid reflux with Lucas, and this time around its presenting itself much later, but it came with a vengeance. I am popping tums like its candy, and pretty much everything I eat causes some degree of discomfort. Not even milk seems to help, I avoided taking zantac or any other prescribed anti-acids the first time, so I'm hoping I can bear it again. The old wives tale of heartburn being related to how much hair your child is born with actually rang true with Lucas who was born with a full head of the darkest hair, so I'm planning for another hairy child in my future lol.
Best moment this week - We had another epic family weekend. It was a long weekend here in Canada, and we spent most of it outdoors between small bouts of showers, and Lucas got to see his first fireworks, which at first he was not too sure what to make of it, but last night the hubby surprised him with some in our backyard and he was much more interested.
What I miss - Still missing a little fruity alcohol drink or beer with some BBQ. I may have to pinterest some mocktails for the summer to tie me over.

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