How far along - 22 weeks
Baby is the size of - a squash
Sleep - this was a bad week for sleep, between Lucas having some rough nights, super early mornings, and fussing for his naps I was one tired mommy, especially since I was literally running after the little man most of his waking hours. You would think that being so tired I would sleep like a log when I could but I wasn't so lucky. I scored some great naps this weekend and the hubby let me sleep in on Mother's Day!
Gender - Everything blue! I actually bought a few items for the little babe this week. Even though the bulk of everything will be hand me downs from Lucas, he deserves a few new items, plus I'm purging a lot of onesies that may be a little more worn out.
Movement - Same as last week, really active during the evenings, and occasionally during the day; however the kicks have been getting more and more pronounced. Also I noticed this week that I never wake up in the middle of the night to kick and stabs, which was exactly the same case as Lucas. Since overall Lucas has always been a great sleeper I'm hoping this bodes well for the new addition.
Food Cravings/Aversions - Still lots of water all day long. Been loving on the carbs and fresh fruit this week. Weirdest aversion this week was not being to enjoy beef. Had it twice for dinner this week and both times it tasted off to me (the meat was perfectly fine as other people were also eating it, but for me it had an awful taste).
Symptoms - Nothing major this week, just some bad back and ligament pain, but I am doing a lot more walking then I did when I was pregnant with Lucas. Also having to carry a 30 pound toddler at times during the day doesn't help the cause. I suffered a lot from swollen ankles the first time around, and I had a little swelling this week but it was really warm this week and we spent two hours at the park one day.
Best moment this week - Mother's Day weekend was a really relaxed affair this year, and it was so nice to just spend time with my boys, the fact that Lucas started calling me Mommy occasionally is just a bonus.
What I miss - I had a huge craving for some raw sushi this week, and really really wished I could have satisfied it.
We are stuck in the house today with the rainy weather and trying to make the best of it, especially since an early morning storm woke Lucas up at 4:30. Lord help me. on days like this I really wish I could drink more than one cup of coffee.

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