
Five on Friday

It has been a pretty good week around here.  This time around my energy level during this pregnancy has been awful, and this week I feel like I'm finally getting my groove back.  So on to a few things we have been up to.

I have been meaning to get back to taking Lucas swimming on a regular basis and we finally went this week and it was so much fun.  Lucas loves water, if I would let him he would stay in the tub for an hour!  He has gotten really good at kicking his legs in the pool if I help him float around, and he's quite fearless!  He was walking around the steps and just jumped into the pool and unfortunately I wasn't too quick to grab him so down the water he went, and not tear out of him.  I got him up and he was just laughing.  I couldn't get any pictures of us in the actual pool since our community center doesn't allow cameras in the public pool area but I grabbed this one while we were getting ready, he crouched down and was talking to another kid through the slit of the changing room.

I mentioned yesterday in his 18 month post of how Lucas is showing more and more everyday his personality, and I snapped these pictures of him at lunch the other day, and it perfectly describes what I mean.  He talks with his hands like his mother, and looks incredibly like his father.  He gave me that little frown when I insisted he finish his lunch, yup I'm dreading the teenage years when I'm expecting grunts as answers.

We got messy this week with some painting crafts to put together something special for his grandparents for Easter.  Any chance that this kid can get his hands dirty he is game!  I mean that cuteness is well worth the clean up if I say so myself, and naked painting is always the way to go.

Lucas and I woke up from a three hour nap yesterday with the munchies, and I realized that Lucas has never tried popcorn.  He was so enthralled with the popping sounds while it was in the microwave, and although he looked at it quite suspiciously at first, once I took one, he was all over it!  Popcorn for the win, and I see more popcorn parties in our future.

This Sunday is my little sister's birthday!  I still can't believe she is turning 10!  Double Digits!  I remember when that was such a milestone birthday.  I have loved every minute of watching her blossom into a preteen and see her personality come into its own.  We have a pretty special relationship and she will be forever my first baby!  For now a throwback picture of her when she was roughly around Lucas' age.

Hope everyone enjoys their weekend, we are still battling some frigid weather over here so I'm hoping for a change soon.



Lucas is 18 Months

How has another half a year gone by just like that.  I feel like we were celebrating Lucas' first birthday just a few days ago.  There have been really challenging days as of late with Lucas' personality and new vocal complaints for things he wants.  Its so hard sometimes to explain to an 18 month old that no you may not play with the toilet water, or that biting is not a proper form to show your displeasure with a certain situation. We are making strides with teaching and disciplining him, and thankfully he is his most feisty self at home, and for the most part he is well behaved in public forums or larger family functions, but its a daily struggle, and parenting a toddler is equal parts exhausting, mind numbing, rewarding, and downright amazing some days.

Despite the growing pains, this is one of my favourite stages thus far.  He is such a little person, with likes and dislikes, and is learning to express them as well.  He is funny, some of my fave parts of the day is when he understands something that is meant to be funny and he laughs hysterically accordingly, or when he does something himself to instigate laughter from his father and I.  The smile he rewards us with afterwards, well its enough to forget those moments when he's yelling at the top of his lungs cause he can't reach something or isn't getting his way.   His belly laughs are really music to my ears, and I will never tire of tickling his feet or ribs and watch him roll around in innocent abandon.

He is quite the talker lately!  He has gotten so good at learning to repeat words after us, and is slowly integrating them himself into his daily language.  B and D words are far easier for him to grasp, but I have seen in just the last week S and C sounds are starting to make its way into his vocabulary.  Even when he isn't coherent he's always talking, and he's making more toddler sounds.  Sometimes I catch him playing with his trucks or toys and having a conversation with himself, and its the most adorable thing ever! Some common things he says is ba when he wants milk, he calls his daddy bubba which is the hubby's nick name for Lucas (this always makes me laugh when he does it), no more and shakes his head when he's done eating something or is tired of a particular activity, and he exclaims WOW to anything that is of interest to him.

He really loves crafts! I've always encouraged creative play with Lucas, and the clean up is often not fun but he has so much fun getting messy, and painting himself as much as the paper.  I mentioned the activity sheets that I started doing with him on a daily basis, and I love that they encourage learning along with play, and colouring.  I believe that is why Lucas actually enjoys them as much as he does, plus the whole point is to make it fun for him right now, and not make him feel like he's trying to meet some kind of expectation.  I try to do at least one or two crafts with him a week, even if its just stickers which he loves!

Lucas has been a grazer lately in the eating department, eating several little meals during the day, and then finally a good dinner.  It doesn't make me too happy, but as long as he's getting his take of fruit and veggies in him I'm pretty happy.  He loves pasta, rice with veggies, meat, cheese, and any type of fruit really.  He's a little pickier when it comes to veggies but fruit he loves!  We weaned him off just this week from one of his bottles, and it was a lot easier then I thought it was going to be, I'm lucky that he really likes milk and drinks it from a sippy cup no problem.

Sleep is still as usual, with wake ups at about 6am.  He's still having teething issues with the pesky two year molars giving him a lot of pains some days, but taking their time to make an appearance.  It usually affects his naps more than anything, so some days its only an hour, and then some days he rocks a three hour nap, those days I'm one grateful pregnant mommy.

Overall he's such an amazing little man, and I can't wait to see what the next six months bring, and how he will take to being a big brother at the end of those six months.



15 Weeks

This is a pretty awful pic, but I completely forgot to get the hubby to take one yesterday so this will have to do!

How far along - 15 weeks

Baby is the size of - an apple

Sleep - Since about 7 weeks I have already started waking up in the middle of the night to pee at least once or twice.  I'm sure its because I'm always thirsty, and have been drinking copious amounts of water.  I try to curb my intake before bed but its between going to bed with a parched mouth or waking up in the middle of night I will always pick the later.  That being said sleep is just OK, and I try to compensate for the occasional poor night with naps beside the little man.

Gender - We will be finding out April 17th, and I'm so excited.  I'm a planner, and especially after already having one child I would like to know in advance if I can re-purpose Lucas' clothes.  I'm pretty bad at guessing, but I have had feelings towards this one being a girl only for the fact that this pregnancy has been completely different from my first.

Movement - I've had the occasional flutters which as always so funny feeling, but this week I had my first real kick, and it was just as amazing as I remember it!

Food Cravings/Aversions - No real aversions yet, just sometimes a random food item will sound completely unappealing at a certain moment.  I've been loving carbs this time around, like bread and pastas make me very happy.  Also loving on ham sandwiches loaded with pickled eggplant!

Symptoms - This week I've battles some early morning nausea that seriously gives me the sweats, especially since I'm not always puking I just get this overwhelming urge to be sick and it takes a lot of heavy breathing to get the nausea to pass.  Usually eating something helps, unfortunately I'm on a medication to regulate my thyroid levels that need to be taken on an empty stomach, and then I have to wait at least half an hour before I can eat, which to a pregnant woman feels like an eternity.  I'm still pretty exhausted these days, but having an active toddler really contributes to that.  Something that I have been dealing with as well, which I had none of the first time around are some real nasty headaches, they come fast and furious, and even a nap doesn't seem to quell the pain.  I researched foods that could be causing it and none of them are really part of my diet right now, also stress is a huge factor.  If anyone knows of some home remedies that could help I would love to hear them.

Best moment this week - we have been dealing with the motherload of winter this year, so the fact that we enjoyed a few milder days where we could get out for a walk and breathe in some fresh air made me super happy.  Also that first baby kick is still pretty high up there :)

What I miss - I did not miss alcohol at all my first pregnancy, but I craved more sweets then too, I guess cause this time I'm loving on carbs and sandwiches I'm really missing beer hehe.

What I'm looking forward to - This coming weekend is my little sister's birthday, and I'm looking forward to celebrating the fact that she is turning 10! Double digits people!



Five on Friday

Its been a rough week around here.  I have had some late onset morning sickness and it isn't fun having it so late in the game.  I hate that I have to close the door on Lucas so that he doesn't see me get sick, and he just stays behind the door waiting to see me and make sure that I'm ok, and then when I come out he wraps his little arms around my legs and its the best kind of medicine.  On to my five and what's on my mind this week.

Lucas isn't really old enough to sit through a whole movie but that didn't stop me from buying us a copy of Frozen this week!  When it first came out I youtubed the now famous "Let it Go" video, and both the little guy and I were just in love with the song.  So after a pretty rough morning we snuggled in bed and watched half the movie together (I've since finished it and I am even more obsessed with the movie).  It was another cold day and it was the perfect excuse to stay in bed!

I haven't really had a sweet tooth this pregnancy but I'm loving to bake and cook up meals which is welcome change.  This week I tried a new ginger molasses cookies recipe a friend of mine shared, and they are now my new favourite cookie to make.  The recipe is relatively easy, and I may share it later next week, for now here's a preview of their yummy goodness.

I'm a huge history buff, I do have a double degree in history and English after all.  So fiction and tv shows that have some sort of historical content are usually high on my list of fave things to do on my free time.  Right now there are a few historical shows that I'm absolutely loving namely Reign on the CW, which centers around Mary Queen of Scots during the 16th Century, while the show is geared to romanticize the story, I'm completely sucked in to the retelling, and court intrigue.  I still haven't been able to watch any of the new episodes of Vikings on the History Channel, but they are waiting for my viewing pleasure on my DVR.  I warn you its a pretty gruesome and violent show, and I originally didn't think I was going to like it, but at the urging of my husband to give it a try, I'm equally drawn to the story.

At the suggestion of a fellow mommy blogger I started using this website 1+1+1=1 to add some more educational content to Lucas' craft time and daily routine, and I have to say I'm impressed and loving it.  I haven't gathered all the material yet, nor have I used any of the sensory box suggestions  I have only stuck to the alphabet activity sheets so far, and I have to say after about a week and half of doing activities with Lucas I have already noticed a huge improvement in his vocabulary, and even his interest in doing the activities.  I know as moms we are always trying to do more for our children, and it can get really overwhelming sorting through all the information floating everywhere; and I find this website really helps organize things for us busy moms.

Last week I had my sister over for the day and she was so great with her little nephew.  Its really amazing to see her grow into this little lady, and watch her care for the littles in her life.  I leave you with these adorable pics of the two of them together.



The First Trimester Blur

The first trimester is known as the sleepy period.  Those first few weeks there is a lot going on in your body, your hormones are doubling everyday, your baby is doing its most vital growth during this time, and it all just makes you slightly more tired than usual.  When I was pregnant with Lucas you would often find me in bed my 7 pm, and I would blissfully stay asleep until the next morning when my alarm would go off and I had to get ready for work.  This time around I experienced a whole different type of exhaustion.

Having an active toddler running around you all day, always requiring some sort of attention is exhausting.  Its a blessing, but Lord it wipes away any residual energy you have while you're going through those early pregnancy days.  By the time Lucas was ready for his nap, I was ready to pass out in bed right along with him, and I'm not going to lie, that is exactly what I did!  Lucas was going through some teething pains during this time as well so naps were always hit and miss, and often he would rest better alongside me, so I took what little sleep I could get, and prayed for just a little more energy.

I was fortunate this time around by escaping any morning sickness which was such a blessing in disguise. While pregnant with Lucas I had really all day sickness.  I would be hungry and feel nauseous, I would eat and feel nauseous again.  There was very little I could eat that wouldn't eventually sit the wrong way with me, maybe with the exception of the typical saltines.  There were so many things I was averse to, and I spent those first few months eating whatever sounded the least offensive that night, and sometimes that meant cheese and crackers for dinner.  This time, while there were certain foods that sounded better than others, I didn't really have nausea and it was glorious!  Unfortunately I have experienced some nausea now starting my second trimester, but its really only in the morning until I eat some breakfast.

I remember also during my first pregnancy that those first three months were some of the longest months of my life.  I kept counting down the days until 12 weeks when miscarriage would fade into a less likelihood, and I would get to have another ultrasound and see my little babe.  The days were interminable, and it felt like I would be pregnant forever at the rate that the days seemed to be passing.  This time I seriously have no idea where the time went!  My days are pretty busy, and I try to plan at least 2 or 3 outings a week with Lucas, and I tried my best to keep things as normal for his sake if anything, and would just brave through any tiredness I may be having.  So clearly when you have other concerns ruling your life obsessing over every detail is just not likely.  The constant go go lifestyle of raising a toddler helped with my worry wart tendencies.  I have no clue why but I feared miscarriage and something going wrong this time around a lot more, and being too busy watching Lucas grow and tending to his needs really helped keep those fears as much at bay as they could.

I'm still a little in disbelief some days that another baby is on the way, and I can't wait for those first movements when I feel like everything will just seem more real.



Five on Friday - Baby Edition

It was definitely not my intention to share our big news and then disappear off the face of the earth, but people being a pregnant mom is hard work.  Plus this last week we have been busy with play dates, lunch dates, and just trying to pray that spring is around the corner.  

So I decided to use today's five to give a run down of how our journey to baby numero dos came about.

ONE - The First Step
If you aren't familiar with my story we faced fertility issues when trying to conceive Lucas, and I was diagnosed with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, which essentially means that I don't ovulate regularly presenting a huge problem when you're trying to get pregnant, clearly.  After having Lucas I continued to have this issue, so we knew that when the time came we would have to return to the fertility clinic if we wanted to have more children.  It took several months to conceive Lucas, countless ultrasounds, tests, and overall frustration when you are trying to figure out what will work for your body.  We were obviously ahead of the game this time, since we knew what would potentially work.  We decided in September when Lucas turned one that we would start the process, since we didn't know how long it would take to get a positive, and we knew that we wanted to have the siblings close in age.  The medications that I took with Lucas did their thing, and we tried our first round of IUI (Intrauterine Insemination) which didn't take.  I'm not going to lie, I was more disappointed than I thought I was going to be, I had this unrealistic expectation that it would happen really easily since we knew what worked, yup not so much.  So we braced ourselves for the potential of many months of prodding and appointments.

TWO - When at first you don't succeed, you try and try again
In retrospect I realize that September to December was a really busy time of year for us.  We were on the go a lot, I was stressed, I let a lot of external things bother me, that all contributed to the subsequent IUIs not taking.  Although every time I took the medications leading up to the IUI my body was indeed doing exactly what it was supposed to, in even a better way than when I got pregnant previously, the weeks after the IUI I was never in the right mental state, and for many women that plays a huge part in successful pregnancies.  In the beginning of November I was already in need of a break, since enduring all the appointments, and inconveniences of every cycle along with caring for an active toddler were already wearing me down.  On the behest of my doctor I continued taking the medications in hope that it would not ruin the momentum we had, and I just took a step back.  I wasn't in any rush and I wanted to get back to being excited about the process.

THREE - Surprise Cycle
After deciding that we would be taking a break, the intention was to return to the clinic in March, but then after on cycle away from the clinic my period came on its own in the middle of December.  I had to make a decision fast on whether we were going to pursue it, since you have to start monitoring on day 3 of your cycle.  We took the fact that my period came of its own volition as a sign to go ahead.  We told no one that we returning to the clinic, and handled all appointments between the three of us.  Funnily enough Lucas was an absolute dream every time Gianni couldn't stay with him and I had to bring him along.  He would just sit in his stroller while I dealt with the ultrasound, and in fact he became pretty popular with the staff at the clinic. Three days before Christmas we were ready for the IUI, we did all we that was needed and went home to enjoy the holidays.

FOUR - The Two Week Wait
I decided to tell my mother that we had in fact just done an IUI on Christmas day, only because I didn't want to drink and I would rather that she knew why instead of her speculating and thinking I didn't want to share it with them.  I'm so glad that my parents were really respectful of our wishes, and never hounded me during our two week wait, although I'm sure they were anxiously wondering as much as we were.  The two week wait was a completely different experience from when I got pregnant with Lucas.  While pregnant the first time I was very tired all the time, and experience some serious cramping, and overall lethargic behaviour.  I'm sure the main reason this time I didn't live in pajamas and stay in bed until 10 am on the days I could has something to do with the tiny person that requires my full time attention.  I was definitely more tired at the end of the day, but besides that nothing.  I was pretty convinced that it hadn't taken again, and I was ok this time.  I was mentally preparing myself for an inevitable negative.

FIVE - Positive
A few days after the New Year we headed to clinic to do the mandatory blood test, we enjoyed a nice family morning, with breakfast out, and then headed home.  Lucas goes down for his nap around 1 pm, I decided to stay in my room and read with my cell phone visibly ready for the call, while Gianni stayed downstairs.  As the hours passed I'm not going to lie I got more excited and convinced that maybe just maybe it was positive.  You see the clinic usually calls the negative tests first, so every time I got a negative I usually got a call by at least 1:30, so when it was almost 3 and I hadn't yet heard from them I started feeling a little more hopeful.  Sure enough at 2:50 the phone rang and the nurse gave me the news that would change the outlook of 2014 for the Baccega household.  I ran downstairs and the moment Gianni looked up I just started crying, he did his happy dance and just held me.

I have my weekly updates starting tomorrow, and at 14 weeks I sometimes till can't believe that I'm carrying baby number two, although my voracious appetite helps me not forget :)




Two is always better than one.

I can never just have one cookie at a time.  I need two cups of coffee to realistically get through the day. A two hour nap is clearly better than one, I mean that's just obvious.

My life is better as a couple with my hubby than all on my own.

Two means a fuller, crazy, more sleep deprived, and loud life in my future.  I can't wait.

We are super excited to be adding to our family with a brother or sister for our little man this coming September!  All details coming later this week!



Potty Mouth

I have never really had a potty mouth although in extreme situations, or when very upset I have been know to add some colourful language to my arguments.  So when people advise you to start cleaning up your vocabulary before you have a toddler who resembles a parrot, well I just didn't think that would be a problem for me.  The hubby on the other hand, well he needs to be reminded on a daily basis to edit his language.  So when we had a "funny" scenario happen the other day, the fact that it was all my fault, well damn I was just a little surprised :)

I became all to aware the other day that I tend to frequently say Shit for a slew of situations.  I drop something on the floor. Oh shit.  I bang into something (which is often cause I'm a total klutz).  Shit shit.  I remember something I had forgotten to do.  Big shit.  You get the picture.

Now let me preface this all by saying that I work on a daily basis to implement new words into Lucas' vocabulary, and repetition is a standard tool for toddlers learning new words.  We read a lot.  I point out animals, fruit, letters, and am constantlys reiterating them in hopes that they are sticking and he will repeat them back to me.  Often I realize that he has learned to identify them and will point them out correctly but refuses to voice the words coherently.

So I was changing Lucas' diaper the other day after nap, he was in a good mood, and very helpful which is so unlike him when it comes to diaper time.  I swear if he could he would just run around naked all the time.  I reached for his cream and Lucas lifted his legs at the same time and knocked it on the floor.  Oh shit.  I didn't even register it coming out of my mouth until my little stinker looks right at me with this huge grin, and says it "oh shit mama", and he starts laughing hysterically, like we are sharing some profound inside joke.  

Great mother of the year award right here.  How is it you won't repeat apple, bear, and water that I say to you probably a hundred times a day, but this, this you say back to me with perfect diction I may add.  Thankfully it has not been a repeat performance, but Lord knows I have been trying even harder to make sure I don't say it in front of him in case he decides to parade in front of his grandparents chanting oh shit.  Well got to go, just remembered I forgot to take dinner's meat out of the freezer for dinner.  Oh shit!



Sick Days

Its Thursday and I hear the familiar stirrings coming from the monitor, at the all too usual time of 5 am.  Its day four of this nasty cold that has inflicted Lucas and I, snot fests all around, and dry coughs that make us sound like smokers.  I feel a hard pounding in my head, and my limbs are sore from tossing and turning all night alternating between my coughing and lack of breathing properly, to hearing Lucas have the same problems.  Gone are the days when I could call in sick to work and laze in bed all day, spending the day deciding between drinking copious amounts of tea, napping, and indulging in reality tv.

I hail myself out of bed and saunter my way into Lucas' room, where a smiley face awaits me with open arms.  He automatically snuggles into the crook of my neck that has become his spot, and I just know that I will find the strength to get through the day, for his sake if anything.  We make our way to the bathroom to deal with his snot infested nose, after a dose of homeopathic medication, a diaper change (no clothes change needed, we are definitely staying in our pajamas today), we head to my bed to snuggle before heading downstairs.  Lucas ends up watching an episode of his fave morning show, while I just close my eyes for a little bit.  Too soon afterwards small hands begin to claw at my face and climb my body, I get a few sneaky kisses in the mix, its time for a change in scenery.

We head down, and grab warm milks for the two of us.  Lucas is ready to play and wreak havoc with his toys the moment he's done his milk.  I enjoy the time he lets me sit and watch him.  You would never guess he's been sick for days with the bounty of energy and noise he is making.  I relish these moments always, as he discovers, and learns on his own, his independent nature so apparent.  Every once in a while he comes up to me and lays a kiss on my lap, asks for a hug, or just smiles up at me, and with a bursting heart I watch him go just as swiftly as he came.

I head to the kitchen to prepare something to eat, and someone's good mood is slowly subsiding, his patience always non existent when he's under the weather.  I explain to him I just want to throw the bread in the toaster, and am rewarded with a vise like clutch of tiny arms around my legs, as my pants become a toddlers Kleenex.  Oh well it won't be the last time that happens today.  I perch him on the island, where he likes to part of the action and finish what I was doing.  Mickey Mouse Clubhouse is on while we eat, little man has been a super picky eater lately and a little distraction usually helps, I'm not ashamed to admit the TV will be on quite a bit today, but that's what sick days are all about.

We spend the morning building towers with our Legos, reading, and driving our trucks around the playroom. By the time lunch pops up I'm ready to call it a day.  I have no clue how Lucas isn't ready to pass out from his early wake up call, his incessant runny nose, and non stop activity.  We eat a light lunch, neither of us are surprisingly hungry, my throat is still to raw t endure much more that tea, and Lucas will only eat fishies lately it seems.

Usually he lays in his crib without incident, today he snuggles against me as if saying mommy please don't put me down.  So I all too willingly lay in bed with his warmness against me, and soon afterwards I hear his leveled breathing, and slight snoring from his cold.  I need to rest too, but I can't help but watch him for a while.  On a good day this kid makes me weary and tired, but the days are full of laughter and joy too.  I can't help but think there is going to come a day when he won't need to snuggle against me to feel better, and though those days may seem far away I know they will come faster than I will ever be ready for.

So yeah sick days now look a lot different, and I wouldn't have it any other way.