In the interest of getting things for the kids that they would actually need and appreciate all the moms sent out a list of their kid's likes. Here's a synthesized version of what Lucas is into this year, and some ideas for gifts for him.
1. Mega Blocks - He recently has taken an interest in building things, and this is a great toy to help enhance motor skills by putting the blocks together and tearing them apart.
2. Lucas loves to be read to, and its honestly a proud moment when he grabs a book and brings it over to be read. His favourites are definitely Karen Katz flip and flap books. They are engaging, interactive, and quite entertaining. He already has a growing collection, and I just discovered how many more there are!
3. Leap Frog Letter Factory - So I already know he's getting this, and I already know he loves it. I was running errands at Walmart the other day, and grabbed a toy to keep him entertained while I continued to shop. He figured out how to use it, and was trying to imitate the sounds of the letters and words while playing with it. I was already a fan, since I'm a sucker for educational toys, but when I saw how he responded to it I was sold.
4. Little People's Farm - We practice animal sounds and names often when we are doing learning games and exercises, and as a consequence Lucas is pretty fond of animals. This will be a great addition to our growing animal kingdom.
5. Trucks - I have resigned myself to a life of trucks and dirt! Lucas loves like any boy his trucks, this is also am ever growing collection, but when he's playing with them and makes his little vroom vroom sounds, well its enough to make this mama smile.
Gianni and I had been debating getting Lucas a play kitchen as his big gift this year, since he loves to be in the kitchen with us, and takes an interest in making food. However, they can get pricey, and I wasn't too sure how well he would play with one, but then I scored this Little Tikes Gourmet Kitchen set for $50 and I just couldn't say no.
Happy Shopping everyone.

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