The internet was completely down for a few days in my neighbourhood, so I am once again behind on my intended blogging, and to make matters worse I cannot find my computer cord to download my photos for some of my posts, so yup technology is not my friend lately.
I planned this post for close to the holidays, but due to the unforeseen tech problems I'm going to go ahead and share the photo goodness today. We once again used our professional photographer Trayc with Blue Rooster Photography, and took advantage of the mini sessions she has for holiday photos. I love how they turned out but I am really wanting to do outside family photos next year. Lucas was really a great little boy throughout the whole session. I had booked two sessions in fear that now that Lucas is extremely rambunctious, and can't sit still for too long, that it would take extra long to get some good shots. Well my little man made me proud, not only was he so well behaved but he was so aware of the camera that he practically posed for the photos.
Taking professional photos is an investment I'm glad to make. Even though I am constantly taking photos of our family, its so hard to get behind the camera with my little man, so I cherish the moments that the photographer has captured so far of my little family.
On to what really matters.
There are really no words to express how seriously I love this picture of my boys!
At first I thought the posing of this photo was a little cliche but now I kind of like it.
I'm a little critical of myself in photos (probably why I don't turn the camera around to myself that often), and I'm not a huge fan of my face here, but my little man's smile just melts my heart.
I just die over Lucas' face here!
I have a few more photos to share of Lucas' in his Christmas pajamas, but I'm reserving those for tomorrow's link up party.
Hope you all enjoyed!

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