One of the reasons I came back to blogging was so that I could stay on top of documenting milestones about both boys, and I really enjoyed writing these for big brother. Marcus actually turned two months this weekend, so I'm back tracking a little and catching up to some of last month's stats.
At his wellness appointment he was already weighing a whopping 11 pounds (exactly like his brother at this age), and had grown a full inch in length!
Marcus is such an easy going baby, falling into his brother's routine pretty seamlessly so far. We established a bedtime routine the moment we got home, doing baths, baby massage, book and bottle at the same time that we were doing bedtime for Lucas, and because of that Marcus is in bed between 8:30-9 just like his brother. We've had a few mishaps during thanksgiving where we spent the evenings away from home, but the next night it was business as usual. Usually he sleeps a long 4-5 hour stretch when he first goes to bed, but then sometimes after that first bottle he is up every 2 hours. Marcus naps more during the day that his big brother ever did, and he falls asleep pretty easily when he does, sometimes not requiring a bottle to soothe him into a nap at all. We have not introduced a soother just like with his brother, and I feel like he's taking to self soothing pretty well already.
We switched to bottles and formula, and so far its been a bit of a battle. We haven't quite figured out a schedule yet for feedings, and I find that at times tends to snack a lot during the day as if he were still being breast fed. I'm a little selfish with wanting a proper nap and feeding schedule cause it means that both boys will nap at the same time in the afternoon. We are using Good Start formula with probiotics, and like Lucas we were supplementing him with biogaia drops everyday to help with his bowels, and avoid any colic problems, but we realized that the drops were overkill for him and were in fact upsetting his tummy more than helping so we stopped using them.
Marcus tends to nap about 4 times throughout the day, usually a cat nap early in the morning, then a longer nap in the late morning, and early afternoon, and caps the day off with an evening nap. Unlike Lucas who used to have most of his naps in my arms or in the car seat, Marcus is more often than not put down for a nap, so either in the bouncy chair, or in his bassinet, unfortunately the little guy doesn't have the luxury of having my full attention, so when I do get the chance to just hold him for a nap I do, cause I want to have that experience with him too. I usually nap with him in the afternoon lately, since it is the same time that Lucas is sleeping, and I am well in need of a snooze by then too. We've actually had a few good 5 hour stretches of sleep at night a dew times, but Marcus tends to eat and fall asleep fairly quickly at night time feedings which is a welcome change from his brother who used to like to party for two hours during feedings when he was first born.
Obviously this first month hasn't seen much interaction from the little man since he's still at his sleep most of the day phase, and he can't stay up longer than an hour sometimes between feedings. His big brother though is dying to interact with him. We have found toys laid out on his chair for him, and if he's doing tummy time on his exercise mat, most likely you will find Lucas right by his side having some deep conversation. Marcus is generally a happy baby, really only crying when he's tired or ready for a bottle. We have yet to experience an awful witching hour from him, if anything his brother is the one who needs constant entertainment that last hour before bedtime.
To say that we got lucky the second time around again with a baby who is pretty happy go lucky, eats and sleeps fairly well, is an understatement; but really we got lucky cause we didn't know what were missing until he entered our lives.

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