Giving Lucas a sibling was something that we knew very early on was in our family plans, and although we were happy about the age difference that we ended up having between the two I spent the majority of my pregnancy with a lot of anxiety over how the big brother would adjust to the presence of another little human. Lucas still needs me for so much of his everyday life, and he still has a hard time expressing his feelings and wants to me; so I worried that having to divide my time would bring on a new set of problems that he would not be able to handle. Well I really should have given him much more credit.
I'm not sure if its because Lucas is a well adjusted kid; or the fact that he plays well independently; or that the hubby and I have instilled in him a good grasp of normalcy; either way we have done something right. Lucas has embraced his brother's presence with no effort at all, and not once have we experienced any signs of jealousy. The moment he entered the hospital room and saw this little human hanging from my chest it was if he instantly fell in love with him as we did. He understandably clung to me a little tighter that day considering we had just spent over 24 hours apart for the very first time ever, but then he took one look at his brother and decided he was ok. We placed Marcus in Lucas' arms and he instantly tried high fiving him, and he started throwing a tantrum when I tried to take the baby back for a feeding! It was everything and more than I could have expected, and everyday my heart grows a little more seeing their love for each other.
For the most part Lucas seems pretty understanding of the fact that Marcus requires a little more of my time, and while he doesn't tend to act up when I'm stuck feeding his brother during the day, or putting him to sleep I can tell that when he does get my full attention he doesn't want to share. For this reason even when daddy gets home at the end of the day Lucas is often still attached to my hip, and I'm ok with that, after all its been an adjustment for me too in sharing myself when I gave him most of me for so long. He's my buddy after all, and sometimes I just want to sit on the floor and play too, so when I can that's exactly what I do with no feelings of guilt or worry that there is a sink full of dishes to tend to.
Two months later, though, there have been a few mishaps of petting his brother a little too hard, or attempting to rough house like his daddy does with him, and there may or may not have been a toy bus that found its way on top of Marcus head. Underlying all these incidents is just a innate want to play with his brother, and I'm sure deep down he can't wait for Marcus to be involved in his daily antics. Also for every time that Lucas has been a little rough with his brother he is quick to cuddle and kiss him, ALL THE TIME; or he needs to be in his brother's business, ALL THE TIME, and I occasionally find a toy laying by Marcus while he is sleeping, lovingly left there by big brother as an invitation for the future.

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