But you want to know something. I have loved every single minute of being a boy mom, and I can't wait to double that when this little guy arrives in 6 short weeks!
Boys seem to always have an endless amount of energy, pretty much only stop when they are sleeping, I never have a moment of peace until bedtime, and I know far more about trucks and cars than I ever thought was imaginable. Scrapes and bruises are a common occurrence around these parts, and death defying climbing has already started giving me heart attacks on a regular basis. Boys are also to a large extent so much more low maintenance than girls; he falls down yells out I'm ok and is on to the next adventure; starts having a tantrum most often than not a snack changes his mood (which reminds me boys are ALWAYS hungry); and daddy may be his hero and teach him all about hot wheels but its to mommy's arms that he always runs to in pretty much any situation.
I am raising boys, who will be teens, and one day men in their own right, and I don't have to look very far for a model in which to raise them.
I lucked out in the husband/father of my children department. He is a kind man, puts his family's needs always first, is compassionate when necessary, fiercely loyal and protective of the ones he loves. He can use a washing machine, show the kitchen whose boss, and never complains about vacuuming for me. He's a provider, but never once makes me feel like my work at home is less than his own, and if anything helps me more than most men who are working all day. He is an amazing role model for our sons on how to be a modern man.
I want nothing more in life than to raise our sons in that emulation. I am completely aware and conscious that one day they will also be husbands and fathers, and I want them to be just as hands on as their father, and I have this innate responsibility to ensure that they are strong and purposeful men in their futures. I never shy away from the stereotypical gender roles that my parent's generation grew up with, knowing that girls were raised to take care of the home, and boys to provide for their families; however I am a firm believer that those traditional roles have no place in the world that I am raising my sons.
I want them to learn to cook, clean after themselves, and be aware that they should be fulfilling those roles at home just as much as their future wives. I want them to grow up respecting a woman, and provide a safe and happy home just as their father is doing everyday. I want them to learn to fend for themselves and to never live in a world that teaches men that women should be putting the food on the table and keeping the house clean and organized.
I love that Lucas loves to be in the kitchen with father and I, that he is keen on helping me switch the laundry (which has been a blessing in disguise during this pregnancy lol), or that he knows exactly what a vacuum is supposed to do. This also makes for learning experiences with him, and lord knows I can actually get some stuff done around the house if Lucas thinks its a game, which is what I do; make it fun for him.
I'm not encouraging any child labour around these parts, just encouraging a little boy to a man one day. I'm sure his future wife will thank me one day.

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