Saturday the hubby took advantage to get some more work done on our kitchen ceiling renovation with his dad, so Lucas and I took off for the morning and spent it with my sister and niece. They live about 45 minutes away from us, so its not always easy to see each other regularly, add to that busy lifestyles well it had been a while since we had hung out, and we were all missing each other. We headed to the farmers market near my sisters house which conveniently has a splash pad that helped everyone cool down considerably. Seeing the two cousins play and interact with each other is by far one of my favourite things to see. They are about 18 months apart, and my niece Emily is such a doll with her cousin, while Lucas "plays" with her but still wants nothing to do with her per say, what a typical boy.
I can't get over how they are almost the same height in this picture! The hubby is a pretty tall guy and clearly Lucas has taken after his father, which just means with baby boy number 2 on the way, I will be a look like a little munchkin in the middle of them by the time they reach their teens!
We headed out to dinner just me and the boys later that night to begin the celebrations for the hubby's birthday on Sunday.
Is there any better way to begin your birthday morning than snuggled up to this cup of sunshine! The look of love and contentment on the little man's face is to die for, and it really seemed that he understood that it was daddy's birthday cause he was all snuggles and kisses for his hero.
We had breakfast with Gianni's family that morning, and then we took Lucas to a splash pad near my in laws. I wish I had pictures, but this place was a lot larger than the ones near our place, and Lucas was just so overwhelmed and in absolute heaven that the two of us spent most of the time just keeping up with him and chasing him through the water. It was a pretty hot day so after a few hours even the little man had had enough, so we headed back to my in laws for some lunch and a glorious two hour nap. Glorious nap for Lucas that is! I'm always worried about napping elsewhere with Lucas cause he is such a creature of habit when it comes to sleeping and rests much better in his crib, but I guess the combination of the heat and the morning activities had him easily passed out in bed with me, and on top of me! I slept for half an hour and then I really needed to turn around since my hips are always in pain when I'm sleeping lately, but there was no way I was moving, kid was firmly ensconced on my arms and against me...oh well at least he got to rest.
We spent the rest of the evening hanging out with family and enjoying a lovely BBQ.
Monday, since Gianni had the day off we decided to have a family birthday celebration just the three of us, so we took Lucas to Downey Farms just north of our house, strawberry picking, and for some farm fun. Funnily enough Lucas is not a fan of berries, he enjoys the taste of them in smoothies, but won't touch the actual fruit, so he literally could care less about picking the fruit. We spent the rest of the morning just enjoying the farm activities, until the heat started getting too unbearable. After another nice nap we headed out to dinner and a walk, capping off the birthday celebrations with a movie in bed!
Tuesday was Canada Day, and since we had spent the whole weekend doing lots of outdoor activities we had planned to tackle some home projects before heading to my sister in law's for BBQ. Instead we vegged for most of the day since Lucas had an awful night, spending more than three hours up in the middle of the night alternating between laying with Gianni and I. After he finally got back to sleep at 4:30am, it took forever for the hubby and I to actually settle ourselves. So needless to say we were tired, and doing nothing sounded a lot more appealing.
Here's my little cutie before heading out to dinner yesterday, sporting some obligatory red! His new favourite thing to say when I take pictures is CHEESE, its too cute for words.
Hope everyone else was out enjoying the wonderful weather this weekend!

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