During this time away I've been reflecting a lot on how life will be changing all too soon with baby number two's arrival, and my overall decision to stay home and raise my children. I had visions of play dates every week, taking the kids to educational excursions, basking in the joy of watching every milestone with my own eyes, and activities galore that I could partake in with him. The truth is being a stay at home mom is work, more work than I ever tackled in my professional career before babies. It sure isn't glamorous, unless living in yoga pants is is your idea of glamour, if so then I'm living the life. There are days that we don't leave the house because someone decided to wake up on the wrong side of the bed and I cannot fathom dealing with a tantrum mid shopping trip or in the middle of a play date (lets be real sometimes that person who woke up cranky is me). Some weeks go by and the most interesting thing we did was go to the park every day to play with the neighourhood children. My life is ruled by a routine that I have created myself, a routine that I consciously try to pepper with trips to Chapters to play with other children, play dates, and yes I try at least once a week to fit in that all allusive education excursion.
Some would say its a boring life, but you want to know the real truth. I wouldn't trade my boring, ordinary existence right now for anything in the world. I don't miss the office gossip over morning coffee, I don't miss the deadlines, other people's expectations, or dressing up for meetings at all. Sometimes I crave more adult conversation, one that doesn't revolve around us moms discussing the latest sleep problems, or what food our children this week has decided is no longer part of his diet. But nothing beats the little conversations I have with my every growing son, and learning to decipher his "language". I do sometimes miss having a little more me time in the week, I'm not going to lie, one that doesn't involve running to the grocery store to get 15 minutes to myself, or taking an extra long bathroom break when the hubby gets home (admit it you have ALL done this!). But then in the middle of the day when I'm exhausted from running after a toddler, and I just want five minutes of peace, he grabs my hand and a book and sits in my lap, and its pure bliss.
There are days when Lucas decides to tackle and finish a difficult puzzle, or he cuddles up to me on the floor for no apparent reason, or he cries out mommy the moment he wakes up from his nap; and I realize that I wouldn't want to miss any of that for anything in this world. Would it be nice to have a little more money in the bank for bigger vacations, sure but we aren't struggling with our everyday expenses and that's all that matters. There really is no money that could buy this time with my children while they are young and are completely dependent on me for their every need. I will take every single ordinary day with my children any day. You may call it boring, I call it experiencing my children's every firsts with my own eyes. I'm off to have a boring day with the little guy, but let's be real with smiles like this its far from ordinary.

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