Friday was Valentine's Day, and my boys surprised me with breakfast, roses, and beautiful Pandora earrings that I was not expecting at all! We decided to take Lucas to an indoor playground as a treat for the little guy. He loves that place so much, and I was looking forward to having the hubby there to help out with Lucas climbing antics, and what do you know the kid had no interest that day in jungle gym area, figures. We decided to keep dinner a low key affair this week and did Chinese take out which is a win in my books any day.
Saturday hubby earned even more major points when he let me sleep in, which is always nice considering I'm up super early every day with an energetic toddler. Although I didn't stay in bed too long, I couldn't resist all the noises downstairs between my two boys and decided to join them. We ran some errands as a family, one of which was to the grocery store, where Lucas sat in a cool car cart, it lasted all of five minutes, and then he kept wanting to stand and ride it; Lord help me for the years to come with my dare devil. Gianni was determined to BBQ meat for dinner so he shoveled around out barbeque, and him and Lucas braved the cold to make dinner. Lucas has gotten over his aversion to the snow now that I have been doubling up his pants instead of putting his snow pants on.
Sunday we took a trip to Ikea where Lucas loves playing in the kid section, and we took advantage to scope out some furniture and organizing pieces for some upcoming house projects. Afterwards we made a stop at our local Chapters, Lucas and I like to go at least once a week, we usually play with the trains and sometimes meet up with other mommies and their kiddies. A situation occurred that made me so proud of my little man. Another little boy was there and was not taking it too kindly that he now had to share the trains with Lucas, who really was happy with just one train and being very good at sharing. So Lucas was trying to keep his distance and this kid (a tad older than Lucas) just comes up to him and shoves him to the floor. His parents were very apologetic, and Lucas did cry, but I was worried that once Lucas got up that he would retaliate, but he didn't! He just yelled at the kid from a distance, as if scolding him for pushing him, and went about his business. All in all a good lesson in sharing, and how to deal with awkward situations, and I'm very glad that Lucas' instinct wasn't to hit back.
Monday started off pretty awful, I had already slept pretty bad, and then Lucas woke up at 4:30, yup you read that right, and there was no way he would fall back asleep. I'm pretty sure he has his two year molars trying to make an early appearance, as his gums are pretty swollen, and he has been drooling up a storm, so I know I'm in for a slew of early mornings again. Thankfully we both got a good nap in afternoon, and the rest of the day was spent in lazy bliss.
Unfortunately we are kind of stuck at home today with some bad weather out there, so I've got activities planned to keep the little guy occupied, and my sanity intact. Hope everyone else has a great weekend.