- The weather has been cold lately, snow is clearly here to stay for a while longer (thanks a lot Willie for that prediction), and some days I won't even bother taking Lucas outside, especially since the kid is allergic to keeping himself bundled up and its a battle to keep his precious hands in his gloves. In an attempt to avoid cabin fever I try to come up with indoor activities that keep the little guy entertained. Cars and trucks are a huge favourite in this household, so inspired by a pinterest search I made Lucas his own race track in the dining room, using masking tape. It was quite a hit that its still there, and Lucas likes to help "count" the track lines.
- Some days I bite the bullet and head outdoors, and there is nothing like some fresh air to feel a little more human. There have been days that even Lucas didn't want to play in the snow, which is such a weird concept for me since this kid would live outside if I let him. I realized that he hated his snow suit pants cause they don't allow for easy mobility, so if he slipped or tripped in the snow he would get super frustrated that he couldn't get up. So I decided to just double up his pants and he was a happy camper. We have been heading out for family walks when we can, and Lucas walks himself pretty much most of the way. These pics of him holding hands with his dad is enough to make me melt over and over again.
- I found an indoor playground just ten minutes from my house last week, and it is my new godsend! I know some moms have this aversion to indoor play centers cause its a breeding ground for germs, honestly I pack myself with sanitizer and wipes and thank heavens they exist for some much needed sanity. Lucas is a very active child, the moment he learned to walk and then run its been like marathon training in this household. He literally doesn't stop all day, so to have a place that can substitute the park while its still cold out, sign me up! The true bonus was seeing him play and love every single moment, and he really teaches me to step out of my own comfort zone, so I was racing after him and climbing those obstacles with him like it was my job (well technically it is lol). He ran and climbed until his little heart was bursting with happiness.
- Its Valentine's Day this week, and the hubby and I have decided we are not really exchanging gifts this year. Just chocolates, and a card, which is really all that is needed. I got the little man a few craft things, like heart stickers (he is really into stickers lately), and some pipsqueak markers. We decided to forgo date night this weekend knowing full well how crazy everywhere was going to be, so last Friday we sneaked out for a couple of hours for a kid free dinner at our fave sushi place, and made it back home to put our babe to sleep, which is just how I like it. I'm far more excited about the fact that the hubby has a rare day off tomorrow, so we are off to spend the entire day together as a family, and cap it off with a special home cooked meal.
- I mentioned a few weeks ago that the motor for our central vacuum died on us, well we found out that the part takes 4 to 6 weeks to come in! I was tired of trying to maintain clean floors with just daily swiffler washes, and using a small hand vacuum for our carpets on the second floor, so we borrowed my mother in laws vacuum and I finally feel like the house is somewhat cleaner. My Portuguese upbringing has made me appreciate a clean home, and I take pride in maintaining an organized household, despite having a destructive toddler running around, so the state of the floors was making me break out in hives! Hopefully the part comes in sooner than later.
- Have any of you been watching the Olympics?! For someone who doesn't really participate in sports I'm a huge fan of the Olympics. Figure skating, speed skating, and hockey are my all time things to watch. I'm really rooting for Ice Dance skaters Tessa Virtue and Scott Moir, cause they're Canadian, but also they are from my province, so its a matter of pride hehe. Its a really great time to be Canadian too, not only for the fact that we are always front runners in the medal standings for the winter Olympics, but there have been so many great stories of Canadian solidarity, like the ski coach who helped a Russian skier replace his ski mid competition when it fell apart. I know Canadians are always the butt end of the jokes for our niceness, but the world could use a little more kindness.
That pretty much sums it up, kind of boring but I did warn you. Hope everyone has a great Love Day tomorrow!

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