I'm seriously behind again in blogging, lately the energy level has been low, with Lucas waking up at the crack of dawn, and keeping me running after him until he's ready for a nap, and by then all I have strength for is to make a coffee and sit down. We are still in January so I'm that behind on the customary year in review post. This year was amazing, seeing my little baby grow into a toddler, and experience all his many firsts. Being a family together has been by far the best part of having Lucas, and this year in general.
January - We started off the New Year right with Lucas' first time in the exersaucer, and this quickly became his fave toy for a really long time really, and it gave mom some free time as well!
February - We started Lucas on solids, and he was a champ right from the get go. His first foods were sweet potato and apples still faves to this day. Lucas celebrated his first Valentines Day at his play group where he made a statement to fellow little ladies.
March - Lucas was Baptized in our Church, with my sister and brother in law as his godparents. It was a wonderful day of love and family. That month my little man mastered the art of sitting on his own.
April - Lucas celebrated his cousin's second birthday, and he was all about giving her some love. At the end of the month my little man quickly went from sitting, to standing, to crawling around the house!
May - We went on our first date night at a charity gala, and we may have sneaked out early since this mama was having anxiety over leaving her baby. We also celebrated my first Mother's Day where I was truly pampered by two loves. Lucas also started eating more "solid" foods, and truly enjoyed the sensation of chewing food.
June - Lots happened this month, we began enjoying the warmer days with the little man getting his feet wet, and truly loving to be outside. He got a new set of wheels for the summer walks, he transitioned into the big tub for his baths, and he finally got some teeth. We finished out patio outside, and Lucas mastered the art of walking! We celebrated Father's Day and Daddy's birthday, and made a family excursion of Springridge Farms. Boy was that a busy month!
July - Celebrated Canada Day with his cousin and aunt, and started the tradition of family date days with my sister. Spent as many afternoons as possible at the splash pad since the weather got really hot.
August - Lucas attended his first wedding, and he was quite the party animal, as well as the most dapper wedding guest. Family date at the zoo this time with his cousin. Lunch with his young aunt. Boy learned to have a fondness for anything dirt. Lucas tried his first ice cream and it did not go down well, to this day he does not have a liking for ice cream yet, sorbet he loves. We capped off the month with celebrating my mom's birthday.
September - Lucas started a new play group for one year olds. We took him to the farm for a family date to celebrate his birthday. Celebrated his big first birthday with an Avengers themed party.
October - Double family date apple picking, and the kiddies are finally learning to play together. Lucas celebrated Halloween at his playgroup, he was the cutest monkey.
November - this was a low key month, with the colder temperatures we spent a lot of time indoors, especially since the little guy got his first cold. The moment we could he played in the snow for the first time, and after getting used to his big boots he loved it.
December - Lucas got his first haircut, and just like that I lost my baby face. We celebrated Christmas with our families, this picture of Lucas and his cousin dancing is by far my fave picture of the holiday season.
It was a stellar year, and I just know that this year will be just as great.