
Happy Birthday Gianni

Today is the hubby's birthday.  Today marks the 8th birthday we have celebrated together. The first time we had been dating a mere month and I remember being so nervous and having all sorts if anxiety over what to get him.  Plus it was the first time I was going to meet his parents.  We have since celebrated a milestone thirtieth birthday.  We have celebrated birthdays at extravagant restaurants.   We've celebrated birthdays going away for the weekend.  We've celebrated birthdays with BBQ at our house.   With family and friends.  As a dating couple.  Engaged.   Newlyweds.  New parents.  This year it will be dinner at home with our sons and it will be just as great.

Every year I'm thankful that I get to celebrate these sort of milestones with him.  Thankful for the random act of fate that put him in my path and made him my person. Thankful that he is an amazing husband and father and all around man.

In honour of his 36th (wow someone is getting pretty old) here are 36 random facts about the man of the house.

1. He's a middle child, but isn't a typical middle child.
2. He played high school football and still loves everything about the game.  I kind of lose him every Sunday from September to February.
3. He is the best cook.  He used to cook for all his friends parties and more often than not he cooks dinner around here.
4. He has this annoying habit of saying "not to sound like a jerk" before he says something that makes him sound exactly like a jerk.
5. He likes red wine over white.  Is a bit of a beer snob.  But would probably pick a bailey's over anything.
6. He said "I love you" first because he's a confident sort of man.
7. He absolutely hates to shave and he used to sport the longest beard the first year we were dating. If inlet him he would go all duck dynasty on me.
8. He is a good friend and is always willing to help any of his close knit group of friends.
9. He will call you on your bullshit and prefers to confront a problem head on.
10. He's an early riser even on weekends.
11. He's not a crier.  The first time I saw him truly cry was when he felt Lucas move inside my belly.
12. On our first date he researched fancy restaurants near my house and surprised me by taking me to one I had always wanted to try.  Then we took a long walk around my neighbourhood and talked and he kept trying to find ways to stall taking me home.
13. He loves loved golf.
14. He hasn't played a round of golf since we had kids.
15. When we found out we had fertility issues and they were because of me he never once made me feel like I was to blame.
16. He has taken days off from work to take care of me and the boys because he wanted to.
17. He would walk around in his underwear in the house, all day, every day if he could (oh who am I kidding sometimes he does just that)

18.  He's brought home flowers for no reason before, but more often he's brought home Starbucks for no reason which really shows how much he knows me.
19. He could walk in a Williams Sonoma for hours on end.
20. You wouldn't know looking at him but he's a huge heavy metal fan.  Bands like Walls of Jericho and Slipknot entered my vocabulary after we started dating.
21. He used to wear band t-shirts all the time. He's gotten rid of most of them throughout the years with the exception of a few for sentimental reasons.
22. He's taken a shine to country music in his "old age" lol
23. He will eat all his sides first before the meat when we have steak dinner.  He also likes his steak blue rare, a fact that I thought was gross when we first met.
24. He has two best friends.  One since they were babies and the other since they were 12.
25. He will thrown his boys in the air for their amusement long after his arms have grown weary.
26. He told me he would gladly take my pain when I was in labour with Lucas and he actually meant it
27. He likes silly and sarcastic comedies.
28. He likes to say he's always right but we both know who is really winning that battle.
29. He is one hot man and by that I mean he wears t-shirts pretty much all year round (and we live in Canada so we have winter for 2/3rds  of that time).  He's also just pretty damn hot.
30. He snores.  Big time.  Like he could wake the dead kind of snoring.  I'm not adverse to making him turn around so I can fall asleep.
31. He always texts and calls during the day to see how things are going with the boys but also to see how I'm doing.
32. He has the worse memory ever.  Like he won't remember something from a week ago.  It's gotten him in hot water.  A lot.
33. When I was pregnant the first time he took over vacuuming for me and he still does it today.
34. Cheese platters are his jam.
35. He is extremely intelligent.  If he needs to fix something he will research it and do it on his own.
36.  He is the most attentive husband and father a family could ask for.  We know that he wakes up every day working and living for our family.  There is no greater love than the one he shows us on a daily basis and we are so lucky to have him.

Happy Birthday my love.



Friday Favourites

I'm sure I'm not the only one who is pretty glad to see Friday.  This week kind of kicked me in the behind.  I hate the week after being sick because it's a whole week of catching up with housework, and life in general.  So the favourites are short and sweet around here this week. 

I've mentioned that Marcus is getting more mobile and with that he has been getting more into his brothers business.  It's been a whole new ball game of brotherly interaction and as a consequence Lucas is having a hard time adjusting to having his little brother always in his face and in his stuff.  I swear I'm more exhausted at the end of the day from just dealing with Lucas unreasonable tantrums.   

But then I catch a moment like this which was my absolute FAVOURITE this week.  I had put them sitting together to grab a picture to send to their daddy and Marcus immediately started trying to climb and fuss with his brother.  It was a rare moment when big brother just took it in stride.  His face of "ok we will let this one pass" had me in laughing out loud. 

We had a Playdate scheduled for this week at my house but with the kids still being a little under the weather I didn't want to risk getting anybody else sick so we moved it to next week. I was talking to my girlfriend and told her part of the reason was also because my house is an absolute mess from being sick and I need to get things more presentable.  She laughed and said aren't all our houses!! Then I saw this on facebook and it was FAVORITE thing ever.  After reading it I texted my friend to expect mess next week hehe.

One of my FAVOURITE  summer shows is back this week! I only started watching big brother after I got married and it became mine and the hubby's summer viewing guilty pleasure.  But really isn't any reality TV a guilty pleasure.

We are set to have rain all weekend which puts our plans to work in the backyard on the back burner fir now.  So I'm planning on tackling a project in the mudroom that I've been putting off.  I've been researching ideas for a family command center which would help organize life in general but also help my memory deficient husband from knowing when things are happening.  This one I found on pinterest is my FAVOURITE inspired by pottery barn but the plan is to diy for much cheaper.

I leave yiu with my FAVOURITE picture from thus week.  I ran into Canadian Tire in the hopes that I could find something for the hubby's birthday and to keep the kids happy I gave them snacks and let them hang out in the cool cart.  Their faces say it all "mom you're getting 10 minutes of peace and then we are back to our crabby selves when we leave" and yes they were true to their word.

Happy weekend everyone.



What's Up Wednesday

We are still battling a viral cold around here hence all radio silence lately.  Usually I have a good handle on the boys colds with natural supplements and the occasional Tylenol, but Lucas was up at 330 on Friday with a hacking cough that had me worried.  Thankfully my doctor squeezed us in to check the boys and it's only a viral infection, but one of those pesky colds that just take time.

Thought I would take advantage of this month's Wednesday link up to catch up on some stuff around here.

What we are eating this week

The hubby made a huge batch of chicken soup this weekend for all us sickies.  It was Father's Day and he was doing what he's so loved for, taking care of us.

I wish I could say that Lucas will have a nice bowl of this goodness but he has been the pickiest eater as of late and it's driving me bananas! He is great with fruits and some select veggies but even some of those he's been refusing to eat.  I'm hoping it's only a phase, and I make sure to put them on his plate anyway and make him a few bites but I dread meal times lately.

Also I can't help but mention the enormous tomahawk steak we grilled up this weekend for Father's Day.

What I'm reminiscing about

Thanks to the new "this day on facebook" I was reminded that last year around this time we took Lucas for a mini family getaway to Niagara Falls.  It was such a special weekend as a family of 3 before we welcomed his brother at the end of the summer.  I really wish we could go back all together again this summer but I don't think the hubby's work schedule is going to allow it.  You can read my recap of the trip here.

What I'm Loving

We finally bought a conversation piece for our backyard.  I'm so glad we waited a little later to purchase because we scored a great deal.  I love having a place to sit and relax while the kids play in the kiddie pool outside, or having an after bedtime drink with the hubby.  Unfortunately after we put it together we've had a few rainy days so I don't have a great picture of the set but this one of Lucas the day we bought clearly makes up for it in my eyes.

What we've been up to
We've been stuck inside a lot with rainy weather and the cold that doesn't want to go away.  We get out for walks and activities whenever we can but we have definitely been home bodies these last few weeks.  That coupled with Marcus' newfound need to move and stand he's been getting into his brothers business A LOT! Some days I want to pull my hair with the amount of times I yell out share and I've been trying to teach Lucas to not be so rough with his brother.  Then other days I just let the wrestling matches occur cause they're pretty darn cute. 
What I'm dreading
I'm not so much dreading this as I am just bracing myself for this new phase in Marcus' mobility.  He's a little late in comparison to his big brother in walking and I've actually been ok with that.  This weekend he gained some momentum with standing unassisted and I feel like now that he's more comfortable standing on his own that he will be taking his first steps so soon.  I love those first moments when they realize that they can move and get to place on their own two feet.  However I'm dreading the new logistics that brings with two very active boys at the park and running around the house.  Lord help me for all the cuts and bruises headed my way.

What I'm working on
Still doing updates to our backyard.  We have been really successful this year with our veggies garden and we decided to add another box.  We are set to do that this weekend, along with finally adding some plants and flowers to the front of the house.  It is quite the feat to accomplish these simple tasks in a timely fashion with two young kids, especially with one who just wants to help so bad and another who just wants to eat all the dirt.
What I'm excited about

Next week is the hubby's birthday and I'm planning a few surprises for him especially since with being sick I kind of dropped the ball for Father's Day.  I can't say too much because he's a loyal reader of this old blog but I'm sure he's going to love everything I have planed.  I love giving gifts and planning surprises as much as receiving them so this is just as exciting for me as it will be for him.

What I'm reading/watching

Lets be honest time to read with two little ones is pretty sparse and it makes me kind of sad because I love nothing more than to be curled on the couch and read.  That being said I'm thinking of scheduling some me time for the early mornings before the kids are up or try to so before bedtime to help start the day and unwind at the end of the night with some good reads.  I have a few books on the go but I'm always looking for more so if anyone has read something really good lately or a nice light read let me know in the comments.

In the evening the hubby and I are currently watching the latest season of Game of Thrones.  We are only two episodes in but due to the internet I know a few spoilers coming up and I'm already cringing in my seat.

What I'm listening to

This song from Little Big Town has been on repeat on my phone.  Such a fun summer tune.

What I'm wearing

PJs all day long when you're sick with maybe yoga pants every other day.

What I'm doing this weekend

Its set to be nice weather and the boys and I are finally on the mend so I have nothing planned but to be outside playing with the kids.

What I'm looking forward to next month

We have birthdays, BBQs and just family time set for the month of July.  I'm looking forward to every single one the weekends!

What are you doing for the 4th of July

Well Canadian over here lol.  Canada Day is next week July 1st and as of yet we have no plans but we always try to take Lucas to the local fair and some fireworks.

Hope everyone else has a great week!



Friday Favourites

I'm so glad to see this week end and I'm just hoping for some much needed relaxation this weekend.  The boys came down with colds late Monday and I caught it the next day and it's been pure torture around here.  Caring for two sick kids is never going to be a walk in the park but doing so while you're not even at half your mental capacity is just awful.  But like most moms I put my big girl panties on and found strength to soldier on. 

This picture is a FAVOURITE of mine from the beginning of the week.  A calm before the storm sort of thing.  If two rambunctious boys could ever be considered calm really.

Just before the full brunt of the cold hit me I tried to keep the boys entertained with indoor activities since the weather has been on and off around here anyway.  I let them "paint" in the tub with a little eucalyptus thrown in the water to help clear the sinuses.  This activity was a huge hit and FAVOURITE.  I simply filled the muffin tin with a few pumps of baby wash and water and a couple of drops of food colouring.

I definitely had the tv on way more than usual and while it keeps Lucas entertainer if doesn't hold Marcus' attention quite yet.  This pic is a FAVOURITE OF mine where I caught both boys mesmerized by an episode of Mickey  Mouse.  First time mom Sylvie would be horrified that Marcus was watching TV, current Sylvie was eternally grateful for the 15 mins of peace this afforded me.

We got a break in the incessant rain the past two weeks on Wednesday and I caught this FAVOURITE moment.  Playing together in peace.  That sweet little brother hand holding on to his big brother.

Also can someone tell thus little one that he isn't big enough to be sitting like this at the picnic table

While we were outside I checked on our veggies garden.  This is the first time that we are planting radishes and I can't believe how fast and big they have grown.  We have watched more than I was expecting and I'm thinking if pickling some for salads.

Yesterday I wanted a do over before I even had a chance to eat breakfast.  Lucas threw a tantrum over everything, from the shirt I picked for him to wear, from the way I cut his toast, and forgetting to let him turn off the light in his room (he's obsessed with lights right now).  I ran to the store with them to grab a few necessities which was a HUGE mistake.
So when we got home I let them blow off a little steam in the back yard while I sat and enjoyed a much needed hot beverage.  In the interest of keeping them entertained in one spot I filled a bucket with water, threw in a few drops of dish soap and gave them whisks to mix the water and make bubbles.   Anything with water is always a bug FAVOURITE with these two.   I've seen this activity on pinterest before and it calls for adding some food colouring to the bucket but I didn't want to deal with a huge mess so I will do that another time.

Hope everyone has a great time celebrating the dads in our lives this weekend. 



Dear Father to my Children

The boys and I are pretty sick this week and not much has been getting done besides your basic needs. I've been in survival mode during the day caring for two snot infested kids while not faring better myself.   Hence the silence thus week; but with Father's Day this weekend I really could not let the occasion pass without writing something special for the man who is an amazing father to our sons.

 When Gianni and I first started dating we knew pretty early on that we had found the one, as cheesy as that sounds.  We were at that point in our lives where we weren't looking for a fleeting relationship or just a good time (although plenty of good times have been had and continue to be had).  We were looking for a serious relationship and we just instantly clicked.  We spoke of marriage and children even before getting engaged and I just knew that when the time would come that he would be a fun and lovable father.  My little sister was 2 when we first met and he was and is amazing with her.  I would find them on the floor playing when he would pick me up for dates.  He would indulge her constant questions.   He would throw her in the air just for fun.  And he would cuddle with her on the couch on nights when we babysat.  He was just built to be a dad.

They say that women become moms the moment those two lines appear and that for men it happens when they first see their child.  For Gianni the realization that he was a dad came the day he first felt Lucas kick.  I was well into my second trimester and the little guy had been quite stubborn, stopping to move the moment Gianni would try to feel him.  Then one night we were watching tv and Gianni absently laid his hand on my belly and felt the biggest kick.  The look in his eyes is one I will never forget.  Then he reached over and started talking to his son.  It was like I wasn't even there.  It was just him and his little man.

From that day on he has been a dad.

I've watched him hold both our sons in the operating room.  Be the first one to talk to them.  Hear him tell them sweet little nothings and reassuring them that though the world is big and scary that he would always be there to walk them through it.   I've watched this great big teddy bear of a man get emotional over seeing his son walk or crawl for the first time, or when they reach for him the moment he walks through the door, or when they cry in pain that he feels too.  I've seen him melt over the sweetest toddler kisses and hugs.  I've seen him crumble into a pile of mush over a sleeping baby.

Everyday he goes to work and still comes home and helps me give the boys dinner, baths and get them ready for bed. He doesn't ask for any me time on the weekends.  He's not the husband that calls and says he's going to be late because he's going to grab drinks with coworkers before coming home.  He tells his buddies that home playing with the boys is where he wants to be; because he get 3 sometimes 4 hours a day to spend with them and he wants to make them count. 

He's teaching our sons the importance of providing for a family.  How to treat a lady.  And how to be a man.

I want him to know that through the haze of those newborn days.  At the end of a trying day playing referee and fielding toddler tantrums.  When someone is refusing to sleep.  When someone needs a drink, to eat, a diaper changed.  When some days we have fallen exhausted in bed with only enough strength to kiss each other good night before we are both snoring away.  When I have questioned every move or decision I make and you tell me everything is going to be ok and that I'm doing not only my best but that I'm doing more than I recognize.  Through all of that and more I want him to know I see him.  I see him helping, doing, reassuring, and loving.  Oh so much loving.

I hope one day the boys realize just how lucky they are to have him as their daddy because I couldn't have asked for better for them.



Friday Favourites

The weather has been rainy all week in these parts and we've tried to get out whenever there was lull but there's only so much you can do.  So cabin fever has been felt by all.  Coupled with some really awful nights from Marcus and a certain toddler in the throes of terrible twos I'm so glad to see this week end 

Here are some highlights of what we've been up to. 


Monday we headed to my mom's for an early breakfast date since I haven't seen her in a while.  Marcus hadn't slept well the night before so he was a bit of a crank pants and I in turn was not feeling all that cheery as well.  The best part had to be Lucas discovering my dad's new tractor lawn mower.  We were leaving and I thought he was right behind me and I found him already climbed atop it ready to go 


Am I the only one who gets two drinks at Starbucks?! I always need my caffeine fix then I get something cold to drink that usually Lucas and I will share.  It's been a while since I went through the Starbucks drive through when running errands since it can really eat a hole in my weekly budget but I felt like I earned it this week. 


We are going through some growing pains right now teaching Lucas about sharing.  He's actually really decent at play grounds and in group settings with other children but with his brother it's a whole different story.  He completely gets that with his brother he can attempt to assert his dominance and therefore he isn't as good about sharing with him.  Lately I have lost count of the times I say share during the day or I play referee to disputes over the mountain of toys at their disposal.  Some days he's great and understands that he needs to include his brother, other times he pushes him away and even swats at him.  He's seen his toys put away more often than not lately due to his behaviour so I think that's helping, also I make sure to make him say he's sorry.

This picture is one of those moments where it looks like he's sharing and he's being all cute holding his brothers hand.  But really he's just making sure he's brother doesn't touch the toy.


Somehow this little guy turned 9 months this week.  You can read his monthly update here.


I had a friend tell me recently that she has yet to go out by herself with both kids (she has a 3 year old and a 3 month old).  I would lose my mind if I didn't get out of the house a few times a week with the boys.   Do sometimes when I'm out do I think to myself why oh why did I bother leaving.  Of course.  But I think it's good for the boys too to learn to behave in public and honestly if they're going to throw a tantrum I may as well get what I need done.

My go to survival tip is always always bring snacks.  Made that mistake once won't happen again.


This picture.  These two.


Even though it's clear he doesn't want his picture taken I cannot get over how much Lucas looks like his daddy here.


We are huge lovers of books and chapters and last summer I can't tell you how often we went to our local chapters so that Lucas could play with the train table and this pregnant mama could stay cool.  Unfortunately they removed the table and Lucas was very upset about it.  Every month we head to chapter to purchase a new book or two for the kids library and to the little man's delight they had reinstated the train table all new and shiny that morning! It was a very rainy day so the place was actually empty so he played until his heart content for an hour.  Marcus was just happy standing on the sidelines watching his big brother.


I will end with the sweetest moment between these two.  Sometimes they love each other and make one another laugh so much it makes me forget the two minutes later they were both vying for the same toy and it didn't end well.

Happy weekend everyone. 

5 on Friday with A. Liz AdventruesCarolina CharmHello! Happiness, and The Good Life.


Oh Hey Friday with September Farm and The Farmer's Wife!